hey there!
i'm beth.
I love connecting with my clients and learning more of their stories, and sometimes that means getting deep. Since I'll be telling your story, it's only fair I tell you some of mine.
now for the
good stuff
The basics are fun, but this is the stuff that really shaped me.
May 2013
my last drink
November 2016
my health journey
July 2018
my business
January 2019
my pregnancy
October 2019
my son's diagnosis
March 2023
my children's book
kind words.
Alexandria, Minnesota Photographer
there is beauty
in chaos & uncertainty.
You know how sometimes you look at another person, and you are just awe-struck by their presence, by their deep and overwhelming beauty and grace? And then you get to know them, and maybe you tell them that.
And they are surprised because they don't see themselves in that light.
THAT is my why. I want you to see yourself, your family, your child IN THAT LIGHT, through the eyes of another. I want you to look at a photo and think, "Oh, there I am" or "There we are," in a manner deeper than the physical sense. If you're waiting for the perfect time or circumstance to make the investment in photos....you won't find it. AND THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF IT. I promise.